Our Mission
PAC's Mission
To foster and enhance communication among school personnel, students, parents, and patrons of Sunset Middle School; specifically to keep the school community informed of the activities of the organization.
To provide an open forum on matters of general school concern.
To work together systematically to improve the total school environment and to provide worthwhile programs for the school community.
To provide support for in-school and school-related functions through the Parent Volunteer Program, and to encourage the use of parents' talents and resources.
To raise funds for educational enrichment to directly benefit students at Sunset Middle School.
To cooperate with other similar councils in the St. Vrain Valley School District.
What We Do
Welcome new families
Fall Crawl & Fundraising Drive
Provide teacher meals during conferences
Concessions sales at events and on Friday afternoons
Fund teacher grants for educational experiences and achievement incentives
Donate an auction basket for the St. Vrain Valley Gala
Coordinate snacks and drinks for monthly school staff meetings
Coordinate the Spring Dance Party!
The 2024 theme was Decades.
What will 2025 be???
Coordinate fundraising partnerships with local businesses
Celebrate our continuing 8th Graders
Plan a week of appreciation for our teachers and staff
Facilitate parent communication